Porkbun 是一个不错的 ICANN 认证域名注册商,经常会有免费送域名等各种优惠活动,虽然只赠送一年,但是临时使用还是不错。近日收到 The New Pork Times 邮件,推出 .com 域名优惠活动。
促销邮件原文:🚨 .com domain sale!🚨 $7.98
「Porkbun 域名 .com 注册优惠:https://uxtt.com/111」The 90s and 00s are back! Dust off your walkman and pay better attention to this sale than you did your Tamagotchi, because we've got .com domains at prices so low it'll frost your tips. Dial-up the excitement by grabbing .com domains for just $7.98 now until June 30. No limits. No piercings or tribal tattoos required. (but you know, rock 'em if you got 'em!)
Get on your bikes or double-decker bikes. Ride unicycles, the tram, or skateboards and race to grab this deal while it lasts!
First Year Price. No Limits Per Customer. No Minimum Required.
「Porkbun 域名 .com 注册优惠:https://uxtt.com/111」
.com 优惠注册地址:https://porkbun.com/land/com-domain-sale
Tips:需要绑定信用卡,也可以在购物车里面加个需要续费的域名或者其他便宜的域名,然后一起结账就可以选 PayPal,绕过绑信用卡限制。
「Porkbun 域名 .com 注册优惠:https://uxtt.com/111」任何服务均有跑路风险,请注意防范!没有啥绝对好坏! 备用节点参考:大哥云、万城v-city、飞机云、搬瓦工JMS、极客云……
本文已于 2024-04-22 修改更新,您的宝贵建议请在文章下方评论区留言反馈,谢谢。