Linode VPS 被收购无缝迁移,以及 Vultr VPS 挑战,DigitalOcean VPS 忍不住要涨价了~前几天收到 DigitialOcean 发来邮件,二零二二年七月一日起,DigitalOcean VPS 大部分产品涨价。
官方公告 New DigitalOcean Pricing
来源:New DigitalOcean Pricing - Prices effective starting July 1, 2022
「DigitalOcean VPS 2022年7月1日起涨价 新增$4/月512MB套餐:」DigitalOcean 涨价公告摘要:
For 10 years, DigitalOcean has expanded and evolved to deliver a better cloud computing experience for builders all over the world. We’ve invested in new products and infrastructure that make building and scaling world-changing apps simpler than ever, and will have new products like serverless computing coming in the near future.
Today, DigitalOcean is proud to serve both teams of developers looking to build their next application and growing businesses that serve customers across the globe. We’ve come a long way, and we’re just getting started. That’s why today we are announcing that for the first time we’re changing our prices to best serve you at every stage of your growth journey.
「DigitalOcean VPS 2022年7月1日起涨价 新增$4/月512MB套餐:」On July 1, 2022, customers using Droplets, Snapshots, Load Balancers, Floating IPs, and Custom Images will experience a change in prices. We’ll continue to offer affordable inbound data transfer and industry-leading bandwidth pricing which will remain unchanged. We are also updating the pricing of certain Managed Database products and DigitalOcean Managed Kubernetes to bring simplification and better price predictability to these products.
使用过 DigitalOcean VPS $5 套餐一年多,除了国内访问速度慢点,没啥问题,很稳定。要不是 AFF 推介费自动过期,起码还能免费撸它个两年多,可惜了,转 Vultr 或者 Linode 吧。
DigitalOcean VPS 目前常用套餐价格
2022 年 7 月 1 日前,最便宜常规 1C1G 套餐,$5/月。
「DigitalOcean VPS 2022年7月1日起涨价 新增$4/月512MB套餐:」DigitalOcean VPS 常用套餐涨价后价格
2022 年 7 月 1 日起,最便宜常规 1C1G 套餐,涨价至 $6/月,涨价幅度 20%,Premium Droplets 涨价幅度稍低。
「DigitalOcean VPS 2022年7月1日起涨价 新增$4/月512MB套餐:」DigitalOcean 发布涨价消息后, Vultr 很快发布推文来挖墙脚:
With @digitalocean’s recent price hikes their inefficiencies are now costing you money ! Save money at @Vultr today with no planned price hikes in our future! #letsgoDO
Vultr 基本款 VPS 套餐同 DigitalOcean 涨价前一样价格,$5/月。而 Vultr 还有两款更低价格 VPS 套餐,分别是只有 IPv6 地址的 $2.5/月 VPS,和 $3.5/月套餐,两款低价 Vultr VPS 套餐均为 512M 内存。
要转用 Vultr VPS 吗?
DigitalOcean VPS 新增 $4/月 512MB 套餐
DigitalOcean VPS 涨价同时推出另一款低价 VPS 套餐,$4/月, 1vCPU,512MB RAM,500GB 流量,10GB 储存空间。与 Vultr VPS $3.5/月套餐基本一致。
另一条新闻,就是 Linode 提供了一种不停机迁移方式:Live Migrations at Linode,用于灾备,当硬件维护时,可以不停机,不停服务。
Linode VPS 也不错,要试试吗?
任何服务、机场均有跑路风险,请注意防范!没有啥绝对好坏,一线机场也会炸,小机场也可能岁月静好! 备用节点参考:大哥云官网、万城专线官网、飞机云官网、搬瓦工JMS、极客云官网……
本文已于 2022-06-18 修改更新,您的宝贵建议请在文章下方评论区留言反馈,谢谢。