开源压缩软件 7-Zip 更新 23.01 正式版,仅有 1.5M 大小,它拥有极高压缩比,支持 LZMA2 等 7 种开源算法,以及支持较广泛的压缩格式 .7z,体积不大(1.5MB)、功能完善,只是 UI 有点简陋。
7-Zip 更新比较慢,上一次正式版更新发布日期是 2022 年 7 月 15 日,不过日常使用更不更新几乎没有影响。
「老牌压缩软件 7-Zip 更新 23.01 正式版:https://uxtt.com/13」7-Zip 大多数源代码都基于 GNU LGPL 许可协议下发布。AES 代码基于 BSD 许可下发布。unRAR 代码基于两种许可:GNU LGPL 和 unRAR 限制许可。用户可以免费在任何一台计算机上使用 7-Zip ,包括商业用途。
「老牌压缩软件 7-Zip 更新 23.01 正式版:https://uxtt.com/13」7-Zip 支持很多压缩 / 未压缩文件格式,比如 ZIP、CAB、RAR、ARJ、Z、gzip、bzip2、LLHA、tar、cpio、RPM。从 4.42 版开始支持 CD / DVD 映像文件格式 ISO,但因为版权问题不再支持 ACE 格式。从 7-Zip 9.14 测试版开始,7-Zip 也已支持开启和解压缩 VHD。
7-Zip 23.01 官方下载地址:
20.277-Zip for 64-bit Windows x64:
20.277-Zip for 32-bit Windows x86:
20.277-Zip for 64-bit Windows ARM64:
20.277-Zip (console version) for 64-bit Linux x86-64 (AMD64):
20.277-Zip (console version) for 32-bit Linux x86:
20.277-Zip (console version) for 64-bit Linux ARM64:
20.277-Zip (console version) for 64-bit Linux ARM:
20.277-Zip (console version) for macOS (ARM64 and x86-64):
20.277-Zip Extra: standalone console version, 7z DLL, Plugin for Far Manager:
完整更新记录见:7-Zip ChangeLog:
「老牌压缩软件 7-Zip 更新 23.01 正式版:https://uxtt.com/13」23.01 2023-06-20
- The page "Language" in 7-Zip's menu Tools/Options now shows information
about selected translation, including the number of translated lines.
- Some bugs were fixed.
23.00 2023-05-07
- 7-Zip now can use new ARM64 filter for compression to 7z and xz archives.
ARM64 filter can increase compression ratio for data containing executable
files compiled for ARM64 (AArch64) architecture.
Also 7-Zip now parses executable files (that have exe and dll filename extensions)
before compressing, and it selects appropriate filter for each parsed file:
- BCJ or BCJ2 filter for x86 executable files,
- ARM64 filter for ARM64 executable files.
Previous versions by default used x86 filter BCJ or BCJ2 for all exe/dll files.
- Default section size for BCJ2 filter was changed from 64 MiB to 240 MiB.
It can increase compression ratio for executable files larger than 64 MiB.
- UDF: support was improved.
- cpio: support for hard links.
- Some changes and optimizations in WIM creation code.
- When new 7-Zip creates multivolume archive, 7-Zip keeps in open state
only volumes that still can be changed. Previous versions kept all volumes
in open state until the end of the archive creation.
- 7-Zip for Linux and macOS now can reduce the number of simultaneously open files,
when 7-Zip opens, extracts or creates multivolume archive. It allows to avoid
the failures for cases with big number of volumes, bacause there is a limitation
for number of open files allowed for a single program in Linux and macOS.
- There are optimizations in code for 7-Zip's context menu in Explorer:
the speed of preparing of the menu showing was improved for cases when big number of
files were selected by external program for context menu that contains 7-Zip menu commands.
- There are changes in code for the drag-and-drop operations to and from 7-Zip File Manager.
And the drag-and-drop operation with right button of mouse now is supported for some cases.
- The bugs were fixed:
- ZIP archives: if multithreaded zip compression was performed with more than one
file to stdout stream (-so switch), 7-zip didn't write "data descriptor" for some files.
- ext4 archives: 7-Zip couldn't correctly extract symbolic link to directory from ext4 archives.
- HFS and APFS archives: 7-Zip incorrectly decoded uncompressed blocks (64 KiB) in compressed forks.
- Some another bugs were fixed.
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